The Bicyle Assessors

Bicycle Assessors are a leading expert bicycle assessor providing full reporting and consultancy services to the insurance and legal industries nationally. We frequently work with insurers and law firms of all sizes, including those which operate nationally.

Our engineers have extensive experience in the legal and insurance claims industries and are suitably qualified to act as expert witnesses, holding both automotive engineering and bicycle specific qualifications, and having produced over 1,000 CPR compliant expert reports on damaged bicycles for the purposes of court proceedings.

We are able to offer expert reports dealing with damage costings, valuations and replacements. Should you require something different, we are open to discuss your requirements and can tailor our reports to ensure that the most appropriate report is produced for your specific needs.

We like to work closely with those instructing us to ensure our expert advice provides you with value. You will find that we strive to provide an excellent service through being accessible and accommodating.

Bycycle damage assessors